You would have to be a long standing Club member to name the trio of former players, who happened to meet by chance in the Anchor Bar Courtmacsherry the other night.
Barry Daly or Barry Hill might get all three, answer below.

By the way, a special word of thanks to Ray O'Donoghue, Liam O'Brien and team for bringing out our new club app/Website. We have many members who do not use social media, while others rarely look at websites.
With this setup, the Website is the app and the app is the website.
I remember over the years, trying to find new stories during the off season, but with a number of contributers now, we are updating regularly.
Take a bow lads.
Left to right, Dave Philpott (full back), Peter De Fobert (Hooker), and Willy Hanley (centre).